Important Notice: Sadly Dave Hedges passed away on Friday 7th June 2024. He had been ill for a while Although Dave is no longer with us, he leaves behind this incredible piece of local history online for all to enjoy… at least for now. Cheers Dave, you were a legend and I never thanked you enough for all your unpaid hard work.

As Dave was the webmaster he held the admin rights for the website. I am trying to get authorisation to access the website going into the future. There is a real possibility that Gloucestershire Pubs might disappear when the annual web hosting subscription expires. My priority now is to ensure that the present content of the website is backed up. If you can help please get in contact

Gloucestershire Pubs & Breweries is a labour of love by two fellow real ale and pub enthusiasts, Geoff Sandles and Dave Hedges. The ambitious project is aiming to document and describe all the known pubs in the county of Gloucestershire, both past and present.

An amazing 3,100 pubs are now featured on the website. Bristol and South Gloucestershire pubs are also included as part of the old county of Gloucestershire.

The website has been described as “a massive pub crawl through time”. Geoff would love to hear from you if you have information, photos or personal recollections about your own Gloucestershire ‘local’ pub.

If you can’t find what you are looking for try the help page or Contact Geoff.

Beaufort Arms, Hawkesbury Upton – Geoff Sandles (left), Dave Hedges (right) 13th September 2023.

© Geoff Sandles
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