Search engines can be infuriating, and it is always best to use key words that might enable you to find the pub that you want. A generic search for Cheltenham, for example, will flag up all the pubs that belonged to the Cheltenham Original Brewery – not necessarily useful if you are trying to pinpoint a specific pub in the town. It is better to search the pub by name, although that will bring up a long list if you search for pubs with names like Red Lion or Kings Head.
It also might be helpful searching for street names, again not particularly helpful if you want to look for a pub in the High Street. However, by scrolling you should eventually be able to locate the pub you are looking for. That, however, is the theory. The truth is that there is a good chance that the pub that you are looking for may not yet be on the website. The entire website is in its early stages of reconstruction, and it will take most of 2022 to get all Gloucestershire pubs back online. It will be a slow process.
If you would like a specific Gloucestershire pub added to the website, simply contact Geoff and he will prioritize your request.