The booklet ‘History of the Parish of Great Witcombe’ compiled by M.M. Cox and E.M. Clifford gives the following description: ‘The picturesque timber, wattle and plaster house with a stone roof, situated beside the Horsebere Brook, is today known as Cooper’s Farm. Its previous name was Horsebere Bridge Farm and before it was let as a farmhouse it was an inn called The White Horse. In was in this house that the Court Leets of Witcombe Manor were held up to October 26th 1832. Charles Green was then the landlord, but he was turned out by Lady Cromie because a tramp, who had been drinking too heavily at the inn one winter’s night, was afterwards found dead in the snow. Since then the house has always been let as a farmhouse. In 1929, it was bought by the present owner, Mr William Cooper, from which it derives its present name.’

Gloucester Journal, Saturday 10th June 1876 – Liquidation: T. Anderson, White Horse Inn, Great Witcomb, Gloucestershire – ‘formerly inn-keeper but now out of business.’

Map Reference: SO 9014157


1832 Charles Green

1856 J. Weager

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