The Phoenix Inn was at the junction with Phoenix Passage, which still exists in name only as it forms the High Street entrance of the West End car park.
The Phoenix would have been located almost opposite the Shakespeare Inn (now the Shamrock).
Cheltenham trade directories list the Phoenix Inn at this location from at least 1870 to 1883, but the 1891 petty licensing records show that the pub had changed its name to the Nelson Inn, an ale house owned and tied to the Cheltenham Original Brewery. However, this incarnation did not last long as it is documented that the Nelson Inn had closed by 1907. The building then appears to be used as a lodging house. It has long been demolished.
See also the Nelson Inn.
Landlords at the Phoenix Inn include:
1859 Richard Lloyd
1870 John Evans
1883 Samuel Grinnell
1885 Alfred Humphris