Soon after acquiring the business of George Playne’s Forwood Brewery in 1897 the Stroud Brewery Company relinquished the license of the Greyhound Inn in August 1899. It was turned into a dwelling by  Mr. J. Simmonds. The Swan was next door at No 11 West End.

Gloucester Journal, 13th April 1787 – To be Let, and entered upon immediately. The Greyhound Inn, Minchinhampton. The stock and household goods to be taken at a fair appraisement. Enquire of Samuel Davis & Son, Auctioneers.

Map Reference: SO 873007

Licensing Details:

Owner in 1891: George Playne, Forwood Brewery, Minchinhampton

Rateable value in 1891: £7.10s.0d.

Type of licence in 1891:  Full licence / Alehouse

Landlords at the Greyhound Inn include:

1842 William Curtis

1856,1863  Joseph Bruton

1885 William Ponting

1891 Henry Herbert

1897 John Owen Kirby

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