Bull Lane was originally known as Gore Lane because of its association of killing pigs, sheep and cattle for slaughter. The Bull Inn was a twin gabled pub in the side street which ran between Westgate Street and Longsmith Street.
In 1771 the Gloucester Journal reported the heart warming tale of Mr Hincks – a regular at the Bull Inn. Upon winning a considerable amount of money the generous Mr Hincks not only bought everyone at the pub a drink but paid off all outstanding drinkers slates making him very popular with not only the locals but the landlord as well.
Gloucester Journal. October 15th 1881: Storms. An elm tree at the rear of the Bull Inn, Bull lane, was torn up by the roots at about 11 0’clock and a chimney blown down across the roof of one of the rooms.
In late Victorian times the Bull Inn was a tied house of Arnold Perrett & Co of Wickwar. H.J. Meek was summoned in May 1903 for permitting his house to be used for the purposes of betting.
The Bull Inn was submitted for closure in 1909 as ‘not being required to meet the wants of the neighbourhood.’ The building remained an antiques warehouse until the 1950’s when it was demolished to make way for the extension to Gloucester telephone exchange.
Landlords at the Bull Inn include:
1830 Benoni Hill
1856, 1859 William Nunn
1879 Isaac James
1885 James Hill
Late 1880’s? Ernest Daniel Tandy
1902 Robert Arthur Brown
1906 William Joseph Gough