The Yew Tree Inn was equidistant between Stinchcombe, Cam and Dursley and it has, in the past, been given different addresses.

Gloucester Journal, May 31st 1884 –  Dursley Crown Court: Timothy Malpass was charged by PC Jones with being drunk and disorderly at the Yew Tree public house in the parish of Cam. Fined one shilling and two shillings and sixpence costs.

Western Daily Press, Tuesday 12th August 1980 – Six hurt as CS gas goes off in pub: A CS gas pellet was thrown into the gent’s lavatory of the packed Yew Tree Inn, Stinchcombe, near Dursley. One customer came staggering out and with tears streaming down his face. Five others including a policeman Acting Sergeant Christopher Usher, had to have hospital treatment because of the fumes. They were not detained.

Now police are investigating the Sunday gas attack, which could have been much worse but for the prompt action of one of the customers, naval rating Kevin Titheridge. Mr Titheridge, an experienced use of CS gas, ran home to fetch his gas mask. He returned and carried the fuming pellet out to the car park, until it became harmless.

Landlord Mr Tony Pitcher said: “The place was packed but there was no panic. We left it all to the Navy man who seemed to be the only one who knew how to deal with it.” A police spokesman said: “We are advising anyone who suffered any effects at all to see their doctors. CS gas can have dangerous after-effects. We are making inquiries to find out how this came to be in the pub. It is not the sort of thing the public can easily get hold of, and we are assuming it was put there by a member of the armed forces, who was perhaps off-duty and suffering from a drink too many. whoever did it, it was a very serious and stupid action.”

Dursley Gazette, 9th July 1999 – Landlords from a far off land!: The new landlords of the Yew Tree Inn have come a long way to be behind the bar. Lee-Ann Millin and Toby Williams swapped Johannesburg for Woodfield Road, Cam a few weeks ago and are settling in well in an area they have wanted to live in for a long time.

“Everyday seems to to be getting better,” said Lee-Ann. “We’re giving the pub a good clean at the moment, and it’s nice to meet the locals too.” She and business partner Toby chose Cam because of fond memories of the Cotswolds over the years. “We’ve been coming over since 1984 and worked in a couple of pubs in the Cotswolds, and we were looking to take over a pub in that area,” added Lee-Ann. “This one come up and it seemed ideal.”

The pair have been joined by Sam Charles and Carol Williams, who will help to keep the pub running smoothly.

Advertisement 2009

Stroud Life, 1st November 2012 – Festive booze ban after assault in pub: A Dursley man who ‘cuddled and kissed’ a woman in a pub and then assaulted her indignant boyfriend has been sentenced. The man, aged 24 of Severn Road, Woodfields, knocked the boyfriend to the floor in the Yew Tree pub and broke his nose, Gloucester Court was told. “No going out over Christmas”, said the judge. “That will remind you not to get drunk and start hitting people.”

Andy Bendall (Landlord from 2009 to 2013) on his visit to England in June 2022 (Photo taken in the Royal Oak, Cromhall with his wife Rachael (not landlady)

Gloucestershire Gazette, Thursday 29th September 2016 – Pub thankful for help after raid: A pub owner has thanked the community for help with getting the business back up and running after thousands of pounds were stolen in a burglary. The Yew Tree on the border of Cam and Dursley was targeted by thieves on 11th September. Thousands of pounds, including £3,500 from a safe and £350 from fruit machines which were smashed open and pool tables and a juke box were also damaged as the burglars ransacked The Yew Tree.

The burglary has been linked to a similar incident at the Prince of Wales pub in Cashes Green that same week. Barry Romain, general manager at The Yew Tree told the Gazette that he wanted to reassure the community that pub burglaries are very rare. He also thanked all the local residents who had helped to clean up the Yew Tree after the break-in.

Gloucestershire Gazette, Thursday 11th January 2018 – Shock as pub is suddenly closed: A popular Cam pub has closed its doors after its owner decided to sell the business. The Yew Tree, just off Dursley Road, closed on Sunday morning after its landlords were told that the pub was being put up for sale by owners Enterprise.

In a message on the pub’s Facebook page, landlords Melvin and Emma Miles described the decision to put the facility up for sale as “sad”. They added: “It will be down to the owners (Enterprise) if they wish to keep it as a pub or not. As the current landlords we are not able to give anymore info as to how long it will be shut.”

There was absolutely no interest in any renewal of a new lease or purchasing the property to maintain it as a pub for the community. In the summer of 2018, plans were submitted to Stroud District Council for the conversion of the Yew Tree to a detached house but the plans were initially refused over concerns of the ‘loss of a public house’ and the lack of evidence that it could not continue to be used for an alternative community use.

In May 2019 the sale of the Yew Tree Inn was finalised for the conversion into a home.

Map Reference: SP 739994

Licensing Details:

Owner in 1891: Mrs Gainer (leased Arnold Perrett & Co Ltd., Wickwar Brewery)

Rateable value in 1891: £12.0s.0d.

Type of licence in 1891: Beerhouse (six day licence)

Owner in 1903: Mrs Gainer (leased Arnold Perrett & Co Ltd., Wickwar Brewery)

Rateable value in 1903: £12.0s.0d.

Type of licence in 1903: Beerhouse (six day licence)

Closing time in 1903: 10pm

Landlords at the Yew Tree Inn include:

1891  William Keep

1903,1906  Henry Pegler

1939  William Hy. Pegler

1989-1992 Joe and Barbara Trigg (previously at the Musket Inn, Gloucester)

1999 Leanne Millin, Carol and Toby Williams

2003 Christian Farmer and Natalie Adams

2009 (Sept) Neil and Gill Perkins

2009, 2013 Andy Bendall – (Migrated to America)

2016 (Aug) Melvin and Emma Miles (nee Forber) (General manager Barry Romain)

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