Number 92 Tewkesbury Road in 1939. On the eastern corner of Worcester Street. Now demolished. The shopping area including the Tewkesbury Road Post Office now occupies the site.
The 1891 licensing book gives details that the Worcester Arms in Tewkesbury Road was owned by George Stibbs, owner of the Albion Steam Brewery in Albion Street. Stibbs & Co. were taken over by the Cheltenham Original Brewery in 1898 with their tied houses being absorbed into the rapidly expanding Original Brewery pub estate. The Worcester Arms was a licensed ale house and had an annual rateable value of £25.10s.0d in 1891, increasing by four pounds and five shillings to £29.15s.0d. in 1903.
Landlords at the Worcester Arms include:
1830 Jno. Buckman
1856 Mrs M. Baldwin
1870 George Hince
1878 William Stanton
1883,1891 William Josiah Francis
1891 S.T. Patrick
1903,1906 James Moore
1911 Alfred Rice
1939 B.H.G. Turbyfield