The White Horse in Base Lane closed in October 1985 and was later demolished. There is a new house called Inn House which has been built on the site of the White Horse. To confuse matters, a Chinese Restaurant took on the name of the White Horse at the old Globe Inn.

Courtesy Michael Wilkes

When Frank Price retired after his pub closed down  he thanked his regular customers by putting a notice in the ‘Citizen’ newspaper, 8th October 1985: ‘Frank Price of the White Horse Inn, Sandhurst, would like to thank relatives and friends for coming to his pub closure and retirement party. Thank you also for the thoughtful gifts and cards. To the faithful regulars just one more time – everybody up the road.’

The Citizen: Thursday, July 9th 1987: Homes scheme gets go ahead – Sandhurst’s former pub, The White Horse, can now be changed into a private house – with two new homes nearby. Tewkesbury Borough Council yesterday approved a scheme from Centrebourne Ltd of Winchcombe for the conversion and two new houses in Base Lane. A new vehicle drive and footpaths will have to be provided and a condition of planning permission is that the hedge on the north and south of the access road is grubbed out to improve visibility for drivers. The committee refused a previous application but the two new houses on the site were approved after an appeal to the Government in March. The parish council objected to the development because they thought the houses were too large and out of keeping with the village, and the local pond and trees had to be destroyed.

Map Reference: SO 831229

Licensing Details:

Type of licence in 1891: Alehouse

Owner in 1891: Charles Organ (free from brewery tie)

Rateable Value in 1903: £22.10s.0d.

Type of licence in 1903: Alehouse

Owner in 1903: Arnold Perrett & Co. Ltd., Wickwar Brewery

Closing time in 1903: 10pm

Landlords at the White Horse include:

1856 W. Truman

1885,1902  Mrs Elizabeth Newman

1903 William James Aggis.

1906 John Smith

1919,1927 George Hale

1939 Hy. Jn. Waldron

1957-1985 Frank Price

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