The White Hart, in the South of Bisley was licensed in 1778. However, the license had lapsed by 1897. A girls club was established at the White Hart when it was trading. The building is now known as Hartwell Cottage.

Map Reference:  SO 904058

Licensing Details:

Rateable Value 1891:  £8.0s.0d.

Type of licence in 1891: Alehouse

Owner in 1891: Trustees of T.M. Goodlake, Faringdon. (Leased by the Stroud Brewery Co)

Landlords at the White Hart include:

1837 James Gawn (James was also a baker)

1841 Catherine Gawn (aged 75 in 1841. she died in 1848)

1848 to 1857 Edward Lane and Mary Maria Gawn Lane - nee Gawn (Edward died in 1857)
1857 Mary Maria Gawn, and her daughter Jane (retired between c1861). Mary Maria died in 1890
1868 Jane Skinner

1891 Edward Henry Twissell

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