A query from John Cordwell: September 2020.
Looking through old electoral registers for Wotton-under-Edge recently, I came across the Waggon and Horses in the years from 1837 to 1845 when it was owned by John Bletchley of Thomas Street, Bristol. I assume it was a pub. Presumably the tenant did not qualify as an elector and I have not found entries in electoral registers under this pub name for other years. I wonder if this was an earlier name for the Coach and Horses in Coombe Road. The first record of the latter name I have found is in the 1851 census. Alan Sutton published a photograph of it from around 1902.
I can now extend the Waggon and Horses to 1835 to 1846. There is no mention of the Waggon and Horses in either 1834 or 1847 registers.