The Vauxhall Brewery Inn, on the corner of Tewkesbury Road and Malvern Street, originally brewed its own beer.
The Cheltenham Original Brewery were the owners of the Vauxhall Brewery Inn in 1891 and 1903. It was licensed as a beer house and had an annual rateable value of £15.5s.0d. in 1891 increasing by three pounds and five shillings to £18.10s.0d. in 1903.
The pub was rebuilt in the late 1950’s / early 1960’s by West Country Breweries and took the name of the Vauxhall Inn.
It was renamed the Last Drop in the mid 1980’s, perhaps in an attempt to rejuvenate the image of the pub. It changed name again to the Sportsman in the 1990’s but it was eventually closed and was demolished in May 1997.
Landlords at the Vauxhall Brewery Inn include:
1844,1870 John Walker
1878 George Smith
1883 Richard Cox (Vauxhall Arms)
1891 Robert Smith
1903 Edwin Teale
1939 Alfred H.J. Morgan (Vauxhall Inn)