Researching into the history of the Tufthorn Inn has been found to be difficult. The Tufthorn Inn is not mentioned by name in either the 1891or 1903 Gloucestershire licensing books, and nor does it appear in any contemporary Kelly’s or other local directories. In fact, the earliest reference seems to date back to only 1962 when it was acquired by the Cheltenham Brewery from the Stroud Brewery as that “messauge or Inn in Tufthorne Lane, Perry Grove Milkwall, near Coleford, known as the Tufthorne Inn with the outbuildings and land.”  

It is thought that the building began commercial life in 1889 as a village store before being converted to a public house. It may have traded for many years without a name.

Gloucester Citizen, Monday 15th September 1958 – Harvest service at a Dean Forest Inn: The Tufthorn Inn at Milkwall was full last evening for the annual harvest festival service – the tenth arranged by the licensee and his wife, Mr and Mrs W. Hughes. In the bar, which had been decorated with fruit, vegetables and flowers, the service was conducted by the Rev. J.R. Roberts (vicar of Clearwell) with Mr Stan Sealey as pianist. The produce, auctioned by Mr Frank Jones (Sling) brought in over £20 for the funds of Milkwall AFC, while a collection was also taken for Clearwell Church.


Lydney Observer, 31st August 1990 – Milkwall inn closes: The Tufthorn Inn at Milkwall closed its doors on Friday, yet another pub in the Forest to give up its licence. The building began commercial life in 1889 as a village store.

Lydney Observer, 7th September 1990 – Tufthorn Inn: Mrs Lynne Francis, owner of the Tufthorn Inn at Milkwall, has pointed out to us that she still retains the licence for the pub which closed last Friday, and has not given it up as was reported in last weeks paper.

Western Daily Press, Friday 6th March 1992 – Regulars drink to the 80p pint. By Beverley Hawes: Regulars at a Forest of Dean pub were chuckling all the way to the bar last night over reports that the £2 pint is on its way. For a foaming pint of Banks’s beer costs just 80p at the Tufthorn Inn, Milkwall near Coleford. Coal merchant Billy Hoare and his wife Isabel bought the pub six months ago after it had been closed for a year. Last night they said they were determined to keep prices as low as possibile for customers. Mrs Hoare said: “We were amazed when we saw the prices quoted. Obviously our customers are very pleased. We are most busy at weekends. Being a small traditional pub we can keep our costs down. Our business is doing very well at the moment,” she said. Banks’s beer is on special offer this month and is normally 90p a pint at the Tufthorn Inn.

When 20-year-old Jack Crook took over as landlord of the Tufthorn in Christmas 2006 he was thought to be the youngest landlord in Gloucestershire. Jack, from Cinderford, started working in pubs as a waiter before taking on the Tufthorn Inn. Jack said in April 2006, “I’m already doing fairly well, but I want to start doing good food and re-open the restaurant.” When the dining room at the Tufthorn was last open at the turn of the millennium it included Spanish cuisine on the menu and was amusingly called the ‘El Patio Restaurant.’

Jack said, “Milkwall is a great village and I want the pub to be an important part of the community.”  The Tufthorn is a true local pub. Jack got the pub darts team up and running again.

Since the nearby Milkwall Social Club closed down in 2011, the Tufthorn Inn is the only place left in the village where locals can meet for a drink and a chat.


1946-1980 Bill and Phyllis Hughes

1990 Lynne Francis

1992 Billy and Isabel Hoare

1998, 2000 Juan Gorriz (Juan, Heather & Chach)

2007 – present day. Jack Crook

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