In 1903 the mid 19th century True Heart was tied to Carpenter & Co’s, Cainscross Brewery. This brewery produced beer mainly for the take home trade and advertised its products in local trade directories in the early 1900’s. The True Heart was the only pub in Gloucestershire, according to the licensing records, to be tied to the Cainscross Brewery. The True Heart is believed to have closed down in the 1960’s.

Steve Lawrey Collection

With special thanks to Chris Beaumont for his impression of the True Heart as a Carpenter’s pub.

Licensing Details:

Rateable Value in 1891: £9.10s.0d.

Type of licence in 1891: Beerhouse

Owner in 1891: Ann Stiff (free from brewery tie)

Rateable Value in 1903: £13.10s.0d.

Type of licence in 1903:

Owner in 1903: H. Cheesman (leased Carpenter & Co., Cainscross Brewery)

Closing time in 1903: 10pm

Landlords at the True Heart include:

1891 Mark Cooke

1903 Thomas Hawker

1935 Frederick Taylor

1939 L. Pearce

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