The Citizen: Thursday 12th February 1981 – Protestors lose fight over pub: Despite three petitions and six letters of objection, City planners have given permission for a pub to be built at Baneberry Road near The Butts. The objectors said the original site was allocated for shops as well as a public house but shops were more appropriate. There are also elderly persons’ homes and a children’s play area nearby. The local residents also felt traffic in Banebury Road would be increased causing a hazard and that the proposed 46 space car park was unnecessary and would encourage drinking in driving. However, the committee agreed the application should be granted subject to conditions about the surfacing of access drives, the car park and boundary enclosures. Chief planning officer Mr Ian Stuart said the scheme was “very commendably designed.”


Built by Courage Brewery in 1981 to a two bar layout. The pub takes its name from the three oak trees behind the building.

Above images, Courtesy Three Oaks website.

Landlords at the Three Oaks:

1999 Phil Dainty

2003 Brian Gallagher and Pola Anna Bogdanowicz

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