The Three Horseshoes is located on the western side of the village green. An old photograph shows a simple red bricked building. Rendering has since been applied to the front of the pub.

In 1866 Peter Coole, the landlord of the Three Horseshoes, was challenged by George Hobbs, the village butcher, to a foot race of ‘over one mile for a purse of fifty sovereigns’ (about £2,000). Peter was over sixty at the time and weighed 17 stone. The butcher won the race, even though he had severe gout!

A tragic incident took place in Frampton on Severn on the afternoon of April 14, 1941. The corner of the village green directly outside the Three Horseshoes was the site of a wartime tragedy when a Hurricane fighter plane crashed killing the pilot Raymond Waine (aged 20) from Nailsworth. A witness, Mrs Vaughan, of Hardwick farm, told the ‘Citizen’ in 1984: “Two aeroplanes, apparently practising low-level flying, appeared over Frampton. They came low over the village and then it appeared as though one plane stood on its tail and plunged into the ground.” Another eye-witness, Mr George Webb, said: “The Hurricane did several loops and rolls each time disappearing behind nearby trees and then re-emerging to zoom low over the village. The plane dived out of a loop and we waited for it to come up again. Then we saw a great column of black smoke rising from the green. I shall never forget it. We rushed to the green where the plane had buried itself about eight feet into the ground. It was on fire and we could not go too near because the machine gun ammunition was exploding and tracer bullets were flying in all directions.” The whole village turned out for Raymond’s RAF funeral at the local church. Yet, because of wartime censorship there was no account of the accident in newspapers at the time.

A Whitbread branded Three Horseshoes sign, but not necessarily from the pub in Frampton on Severn.

Another strange custom to take place on the village green was the annual Easter elver eating contest where competitors would race to eat a pound in weight of elvers, or baby eels, in the fastest time. The custom died out in the 1980’s because of the exorbitant price of the elvers. However, the locals at the Three Horseshoes revived the custom in 2003 – replacing the traditional elvers with spaghetti!

Image Courtesy Martin Green

Courtesy Mike Ede (Stroud RE Group)

Map Reference: SO 747077

Licensing Details:

Rateable Value in 1891: £13.10s.0d.

Type of licence in 1891: Beerhouse

Owner in 1891: Laura Coole (free from brewery tie)

Rateable Value in 1903: £13.10s.0d.

Type of licence in 1903: Beerhouse

Owner in 1903: Laura Coole (free from brewery tie)

Closing time in 1903: 10pm

Landlords at the Three Horseshoes include:

1866 Peter Coole

1891,1903 Laura Coole

1968 Mrs B.Day

1997,2004 Richard and Lyn Dando

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