The Citizen. Property. 12th, September, 1985 – There cannot be many people remaining who remember the Spread Eagle public house at Harescombe. It was closed during the Great War and became a private dwelling. A former owner gave its present name of Hollocks House. Currently on the market through Bruton Knowles at £73,000 the house is bigger than it would seem at first sight, with four bedrooms available. As expected considering the building’s earlier history, there is an excellent cellar approached from the study/bedroom on the ground floor by means of a stone spiral staircase. Home brew enthusiasts could not wish for a better place in which to store their beers and rack their wines.
A front extension has been built on the property.
Licensing Details:
Type of licence in 1891: Beerhouse
Owner in 1891: Stroud Brewery
Rateable Value in 1903: £14.10s.0d.
Type of licence in 1903: Beerhouse
Owner in 1903: Stroud Brewery
Closing time in 1903: 10pm
Landlords include:
1891 Thomas Hawkins
1903 Eliza Amy Hawkins