Smuggs Barn is now an attractive Cotswold stone private house. It is situated near to the Village Hall. Although the contemporary records of 1891 and 1903 state that the Smuggs Barn was owned by the Cirencester Brewery it is also recorded that beers were once supplied by the Nelson Home Brewery in Cirencester.

Gloucester Journal, Saturday 26th June 1926 -County Compensation Authority: The principal meeting of the Compensation Authority for the County of Gloucester was held at the Shire Hall, Gloucester, on Thursday, when Sir Francis Hyett presided, the purpose being to confirm or otherwise the reference by licensing justices of certain premises for compensation under the Licensing (Consolidation) Act. 1910, and to renew or refuse the licenses accordingly.

The licence of the Smuggs Barn Inn, Chedworth, beerhouse, was refused for renewal and referred for compensation. Mr R.W. Ellett appeared for the Cirencester justices and Mr Percy Haddock for the owners, the Cirencester Brewery, Ltd., and the licensee Bertie George Lawrence.

Courtesy Joe Stevens Collection

The license for the Smuggs Barn beerhouse was extinguished in 1927.

Map Reference: SP 054114

Licensing Details:

Owner in 1891: Cripps & Co., Cirencester Brewery

Rateable value in 1891: £10.16s.0d.

Type of licence in 1891: Beerhouse

Owner in 1903: Cirencester Brewery

Rateable value in 1903: £12.0s.0d.

Type of licence in 1903: Beerhouse

Closing time in 1903: 10pm

Landlords at the Smuggs Barn Inn include:

1861,1881 Fred Bartlett

1885 Daniel Massey

1891 John Bay

1903 Raymond Massey

1926 Bertie George Lawrence

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