The Shearmans Arms was originally in Ludgate Hill on the left corner at the very bottom, on the same side as the Glaziers Arms. It later moved across the road to the site of the Co-Operative stores at the foot of Ludgate Hill in School Road where it finally closed in 1975. The ‘West Country Ales‘ wall plaque is still in situ’ to the left of the doorway.

Musical entertainment in the pub was an electric vinyl record player which stood at one end of the bar.

Shearmans Arms - Wotton-Under=Edge
Shearmans Arms Etched Window - Wotton-Under=Edge
Shearmans Arms Etched Window - Wotton-Under=Edge

Owner in 1891: Stroud Brewery

Rateable Value in 1891: £8.0s.0d.

Type of licence in 1891: Alehouse

Owner in 1903: Stroud Brewery

Rateable Value in 1903: £11.5s.0d.

Type of licence in 1903: Alehouse

Closing time in 1903: 11pm

Present status: Private residence

Brewery heritage: A West Country Ales Plaque and decorative etched pub window remain in situ

Landlords at the Shearmans Arms include:

1755 Samuel Hall

1820,1830 Edward Gwynn

1842 William Hedges

1849 Thomas Furley

1863,1867 Owen Burford

1875,1889 John Gay (aged 41 in 1875. Listed as a pig dealer in 1879)

1891,1902,1903  Sarah Gay (Sarah was aged 57 in 1891, wife of John)

1906,1910 Joseph W. Dillimore

1916 John Cole

1919,1923 George Pulley

1927,1939 Joseph Anthony Coppola

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