The first Sharpness Hotel developed from premises established in 1871 to serve navvies building the new dock. It became known as the Shanty or Shant (a common name for a beer house for navvies). In 1879 it was taken over by the Cheltenham Original Brewery Company. At that time it was one of the furthest outlets from the brewery. This was intended to be a temporary measure while the company built a new hotel on the east side of the dock, hence the change of name to the Old Sharpness Hotel. (The 1885 Kellys Directory lists the premises as the Old Sharpness Hotel). The increase in rateable value reflects the construction of a new hotel c.1899 on the hill to the west of the old one. (There were difficulties in getting a licence for the site on the east side of the dock). This building is now used as the Dock Workers Club. It is often referred to as the Shant because of the link with the former shanty nearby.
Map Reference: SO 669028
Licensing Records:
Owner in 1891: Sharpness Docks Company (leased to Cheltenham Original Brewery)
Rateable value in 1891: £56.0s.0d.
Type of licence in 1891: Alehouse
Owner in 1903: Cheltenham Original Brewery
Rateable value in 1903: £72.0s.0d.
Type of licence in 1903: Alehouse
Closing time in 1903: 10pm
Landlords include:
1885,1906 Albert Reece
1919,1927 Charles John Hall