When the name of the Shakespeare Inn was changed in 2007 to the Shamrock I wonder if the pub owners had any idea that a pub of that name existed in the same area about one hundred years previously? It was probably co-incidence rather than based on historical research. The present day Shamrock is on the corner of Grove Street. The original Shamrock Inn was probably just a stones throw away. It is likely that the Shamrock Inn was a haunt of the Irish Navvies working on the construction of the Great Western Railway ‘Honeybourne Line’ nearby which opened in 1906. The license of the Shamrock Inn was not renewed in 1918. The precise location of the pub is not yet known.

Cheltenham Original Brewery were the owners of the Shamrock Inn in 1891 and 1903. It was licensed as a beer house. The annual rateable value in 1891 was set at £15.5s.0d. increasing by one pound and fifteen shillings to £17.0s.0d. in 1903.

Landlords at the Shamrock Inn include:

1891 Thomas Richings

1903 Thomas Flynn

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