Gloucester Journal: April 1791 – Stroudwater Navigation: The general half-yearly meeting of the Proprietors of the said Navigation will be held at the George Inn, in Stroud, on Tuesday the 12th inst. at eleven o’clock in the forenoon. Edward Harris, clerk.

The Kings Arms Inn in King Street was purchased by Thomas Wall in 1818 and subsequently became the Royal George Inn. Above the main entrance of the Royal George was an impressive coat of arms that was at least 10 feet in length and 6 feet in height.

The Royal George was owned by Ind Coope & Co. of Burton on Trent in 1903 – their beers must have been collected from the Midland Railway Goods Yard at Wallbridge.

The ‘Stroud News’ April 26th 1901, ‘ Illegal slumber: George Clissold, labourer, of no fixed abode, was charged at Stroud police station on Wednesday with having slept in an outhouse at the rear of the George Hotel, Stroud, the same morning. He pleaded guilty. P.S. Packer found the man asleep in a chaff house at the rear of the hotel. He was wrapped in a horse rug, and added that he had no permission to be there. About eight months ago the man was found in the same place. Mr Bird, the landlord of the hotel, then forgave him. He was now sent to goal for 14 days hard labour.’

Although the Royal George was a prestigious hotel the licence was relinquished in 1917 by Mr. V. Lawson so that it could be converted into a cinema. In later years the building became Hepworths Stores. It is now occupied by Homestyle.

Licensing Details:

Owner in 1891: Emma Bradford (free from brewery tie)

Rateable value in 1891: £152.0s.0d.

Type of licence in 1891: Alehouse

Owner in 1903: Ind Coope & Co, Burton on Trent

Rateable value in 1903: £153.0s.0d.

Type of licence in 1903: Alehouse

Closing time in 1903: 11pm

Landlords at the Royal George include:

1818 Thomas Wall

1836-1845 James Wakefield

1845-1852 Mrs. James Wakefield

1852 William Ellis

1856 W. Ellis

1856 J. Lane

1885 John Bradford

1891 Emma Bradford

1901 Mr Bird

1903,1906 Robert Callingham

1917 Mr V.A. Lawson

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