Cheltenham Original Brewery were the owners of the Regent Ale & Porter Stores in 1891 and 1903. The annual rateable value of the licensed beer house remained constant throughout those twelve years at £18.10s.0d.

The 1878 address is given as 8 Regent Place. Regent Place (‘off  Orchard Place’). It was on the north side of Swindon Road between Dunalley Street and the present day Lidl’s Store. First shown on a 1820 map Regent Place contained some eleven properties by 1844. Sometimes listed as being in or near St George’s Street (e.g. 1847 directory), or off Henrietta Street (1858 directory). The licence of the Regent Ale and Porter stores was refused in 1929.

Landlords at the Regent Ale & Porter Stores include:

1878 Mrs Strange

1883 S.W. Strange

1891 Samuel George Davis

1903 William George Raikes

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