The Red Lion Inn, on the corner of North Road and the A40 Ross Road, is thought to date back to the 17th century. Deeds for the pub date back to 1732 and in 1757 the Red Lion is mentioned as a Coaching Inn on the Gloucester to Hereford toll road. An inventory taken in 1903 lists a ‘Front Hall, Club Room, Smoke Room, Tap Room, Larder or Dairy, Kitchen, and Seven Bedrooms.’ Outside was a ‘Fowlhouse, Stable, Coal House, Orchards with fowl, Chaff House, Cider House with trough, Granary, Spirit Room and a painter swinging sign “Red Lion” with ironwork supports.’ 

The right side extension of the Red Lion was the Westgate Motor House in the 1930’s and passing motorists could fill up with petrol from pumps conveniently positioned by the pub. No doubt the temptation of a pint or two of Cheltenham Ales might have attracted the motorist as well!

In March 1973 landlady Mrs Jill Bollen was surprised when two Irishmen asked if they could leave their car in the pub car park for a few days. The police were informed and it created a full scale bomb scare in the village.

July 2006
Forest of Dean Morris dancing at the Red Lion. May 2024.

Map Reference: SO 722194

Licensing Details:

Rateable Value in 1891: £61.0s.0d.

Type of licence in 1891: Alehouse

Owner in 1891: St John B. Ackers

Rateable Value in 1903: £31.10s.0d.

Type of licence in 1903: Alehouse

Owner in 1903: Arnold Perrett & Co. Ltd., Wickwar Brewery

Closing time in 1903: 10pm

Landlords at the Red Lion include:

1856 James Drinkwater (Lion, Huntley)

1876 James Dobbs (James was also a farmer)

1885 Mrs Mary Ann Amoyl

1891 W.H. Drinkwater

1902 Julius Bawman (sic)

1903 Julius Baumann

1906,1919 William Rees Harry

1927,1939 Geo. William Thomas

1973 Mrs Jill Bollen

1990 John and Barbara Phillips (John was a keen bowls enthusiast. He died in May 2006 aged 77)

2000,2006,2008 Jim and Audrey Norton

2008 Katie and Brett Norton (joint chefs)

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