See also New County Hotel
21 Southgate Street originally and 44 Southgate Street upon renumbering. The old Ram was a commercial and posting hotel. Billiards were a popular attraction.
Gloucester Journal, February 18th 1882: The annual dinner of Gloucester Rowing Club took place at the Ram Hotel, and was numerously attended. The Chair was occupied by Mr. W. Knowles, and the vice-chair by Mr. A.W. Vears, in the absence of the captain, Mr W. Stout, through illness. After the usual loyal and patriotic toasts, the secretary read the report, which showed that the club was in a very satisfactory position.
Gloucester Journal, February 1887: The pattern makers of the Atlas Iron Works sat down to supper at the Ram Hotel on Saturday evening. The opportunity was taken to present their much esteemed foreman, Mr. H.R. Pates, with a handsome cigar case and holder, mounted with silver.
The Ram Hotel was the first commercial premises in the city to have a telephone. In April 1887 the Western Counties & South Wales Telephone Company established an exchange at 9 Berkeley Street. The ‘Gloucester Journal’ reported: “During the past few days the Ram Hotel and the Exchange have been connected by a wire and the success of the telephonic system of communication has been demonstrated completely. Not only is the conversation carried on with intelligible distinctness, but whistling, hard breathing and other tests have been introduced with equally satisfactory results.”
An advertisement in the 1906 Kelly’s Directory gives the following details: “Ram Hotel ‘Family and Commercial Free House’. Bass’s Ale & Oakhill Invalid Stout on draught. Martell’s Brandy in bulk and bottle. Choicest wines of all brands. Smoking, drawing and ladies’ rooms. Coffee, Billiard, Club and Stock rooms. Bus meets all trains. M.A. Sibley, proprietress.”
The hotel was later renamed the Ram & County.
After extensive refurbishment it became the New County Hotel on 30th January 1937. (See New County Hotel).
Landlords at the Ram Hotel include:
1879,1885 Mrs Elizabeth Drewitt (Ram Hotel)
1893 Mrs A. Hadley
1906 Mary A. Sibley
1907 H.W. Ince
1919 Mrs Annie Hadley
1927 W.A. Bishop (secretary)
1936 Ram and County Hotel