The 1885 Kellys Directory gives the address as Townsend, which is the area around the Priory site at the bottom of Long Street.
The Railway Inn had an annual rateable value of £20.0s.0d. in 1891 and, unusually, this had decreased to £14.10s.0d. in 1903. It is believed that the railway was submitted to the compensation authority for closure as the ‘license was not required to meet the wants of the neighbourhood.’ It closed in 1914.
Dursley station was at the terminus of the Dursley & Midland Joint Railway, at the bottom of the River Cam valley, which was some way below the town itself. The line opened in September 1856. The Midland Railway served the local firm of R.A. Lister for many years. It is likely that the Railway Inn was demolished and the new Listers factory was built on the site.
Licensing Details:
Owner in 1891: Mrs Rhoda White (leased to Smith & Sons, Brimscombe Brewery)
Rateable value in 1891: £20.0s.0d.
Type of licence in 1891: Alehouse
Owner in 1903: Mrs Rhoda White (leased to Smith & Sons, Brimscombe Brewery)
Rateable Value in 1903: £14.10s.0d.
Type of licence in 1903:
Closing time in 1903:
Landlords at the Railway Inn include:
1885 James Arkell (Railway Inn, Townsend)
1891 Francis Baglin
1902,1906 Edward Keene