The Prince and Princess was located close to the White Hart (Snooty Fox) in the Market Place.

Wiltshire and Gloucestershire Standard, Saturday 11th April 1903: Tetbury Petty Sessions – Stealing Tea

A Tetbury man was summoned for stealing a quantity of tea, value 6d, from the Prince and Princess Inn. Mrs Cull, the landlady, deposed that on Monday last the defendant came to the house and asked for three halfpenny worth of beer. Just as she turned her back upon him after serving him, she looked round, and saw him take a tea caddy off the mantel shelf, and pour some tea from it into a paper, which he wrapped up and put in his pocket. She went back and spoke to him about it and he denied taking the tea. She called her husband and he fetched a policeman. As the husband and the policeman came into the house the prisoner took the tea out of his pocket and threw some of it behind him on the floor. The defendant pleaded guilty, and he was fined 12s.6d.

It is said that a holy bible was deliberately burnt in the open fire in the tap room and after the incident several people connected with the Prince and Princess Inn were cursed with misfortune and the wrong doers were involved in mysterious fatalities.

The Prince and Princess closed in the 1920’s and the Ives family founded the Tetbury Transport Company in a garage which was built in the yard at the rear of the pub.

Licensing Details:

Owner in 1891: Charles Richard Luce, Malmesbury Brewery

Rateable value in 1891: £15.5s.0d.

Type of licence in 1891: Alehouse

Owner in 1903: Charles Richard Luce, Malmesbury Brewery

Rateable value in 1903: £19.5s.0d.

Type of licence in 1903: Alehouse

Closing time in 1903: 11pm

Landlords at the Prince and Princess Inn include:

1830 Richard K. Woodward

1844 Richard Hillier

1885 James Hayward

1891 A.T. Ford

1902,1903  Frederick Cull  (Frederick William Cull in 1903)

1906 William Hy. Haynes

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