49 Columbia Street. Columbia Street ran from Alvin Street in the south to Sweetbriar Street to the north. On 21st October 1848 the Pheasant Inn was offered for sale at auction as part of the inventory of the Original Gloucester Brewery, which was located in Westgate Street. The Gloucester Brewery had twelve public houses.
The Pheasant Inn was submitted to the compensation authority for closure in February 1907 but survived until the whole area was demolished in the late 1950’s. It was described as having ‘no stabling attached to it and there were three other public houses within 150 yards.’ (See also Black Lion and Columbia House Inn in Columbia Street). There were two public rooms and only one convenience in the public house’.
In 1907 the Pheasant Inn was tied to Arnold Perrett & Co. Ltd., Wickwar Brewery. It would have later sold beers from the Cheltenham Original Brewery.
Landlords at the Pheasant Inn include:
1859,1879 Ann Griffin
1885 William Hy. Ridler
1893 H.J. Rea
1902,1906 John Heath
1919 Frank Cleveland
1927 Frederick Boon
1936 E.E.Y. Lewis
1939 Edward Lewis
c1950 Violet Tanner
1957 Geo. Edward Tanner