Martin Edwards has compiled a list of pubs in Cheltenham that were trading in 1844, during the early reign of Queen Victoria… which is quite a long time ago! He has identified a beer house located in Albion Street called the Oddfellows Arms.
There are also references to an Oddfellows Arms in North Street in the 1870 and 1878 town directories.
This suggests that the Oddfellows Arms was located at the junction of North Street and Albion Street, quite possibly where the rear of Boots chemist stands opposite Albion House. Or maybe in the car parking area of DF Legal Solicitors on the other side of the Albion Street / North Street.
It is not listed in the 1891 petty sessional divisional records.
1844 W. Streather (Oddfellows Arms, Albion Street)
1870,1878 Henry Markey (North Street)