There are references to a North Place Brewery in 1870 and 1883 town directories, and later records give the name of North Street Stores suggesting that the licences were procured at the same venue.
Miss Grinnell was the owner of the North Place Stores in 1891. She leased the building to the Cheltenham Original Brewery company. It was licensed as a beer house and had an annual rateable value of £20.5s.0d. This RV per annum had increased by three pounds and five shillings to £23.10s.0d in 1903. Cheltenham Original Brewery had either forfeited the leasehold or it had expired as records indicate that in 1903 Mrs Gay was owner of the North Place Stores and it was trading as a free house.
The North Place Ale & Porter Stores was on a corner location. There is a photograph of the regulars of the pub about to board a bus for a day trip. An advertising sign on the North Place Ale & Porter Stores reads ‘Ask for Ushers Ales & Stout’. Ushers brewery was in Trowbridge, Wiltshire.
North Place Brewery was located on the west side of North Place. The site was latterly occupied by the Black and White coach station but it is now a car park. Not mentioned in the 1891 petty sessional divisional records.
Landlords at the North Place Brewery / Stores include:
1870,1883 Thomas Eldridge (North Place Brewery)
1891 Henry Clark (North Street Stores)
1903 Harry William Gay (North Street Stores)