The location of this establishment is not known. It had a licence for off-sales only. The modern day postal code for Hinton is GL13 9HZ
Map Reference: (MR for Hinton Farm is SO 684031)
Licensing Details:
Owner in 1891: John Langford (free from brewery tie)
Rateable value in 1891: £16.0s.0d.
Type of licence in 1891: Beerhouse (off sales only)
Owner in 1903: Mary Sarah Langford (widow) (free from brewery tie)
Rateable value in 1903: £16.0s.0d.
Type of licence in 1903: Beerhouse (off sales only)
Closing time in 1903: 10pm
Landlords / Keepers:
1891 John Langford
1903 Mary Sarah Langford