9 Quay Street in 1881. In 1897 the Mermaid Inn was owned by Ind Coope & Co.

There is an old photograph of the Mermaid which shows the pub to be either owned or leased to Francis Wintle’s Forest Brewery of Mitcheldean.

The license for the Mermaid Inn was not renewed in 1930

Gloucester Journal: March 3rd 1877: Mary Ann Withers, locked up all night after being drunk at the Mermaid Inn, was released by City Magistrates who were told she had a family of young children at home.

Gloucester Journal: 29 August 1877 City Police – Alleged theft of a sovereign: Eliza Paradise, a married woman, was charged on remand with stealing a sovereign from Jeremiah Pitt, boatman of Severn Street, Worcester. The prosecutor deposed that on Saturday night last, he met the prisoner, and accompanied her to several public houses. Between 10 and 11 they went to the Mermaid Inn and had some whisky. On taking some coppers out of his pocket to pay for it, he found he was short by a halfpenny, and he then pulled on his purse to see if there was a halfpenny there, but as there was only a sovereign and a key in it, he told the landlady he would pay her the halfpenny in the morning and put the purse with the sovereign back in his pocket. He then went with the prisoner to her house on the Quay, and they sat on the doorstep about five minutes. Prisoner then put her hand in his pocket and took out the purse.
He charged her with doing so, when she ran into the house. The landlady of the Mermaid deposed to seeing the sovereign in the prosecutor’s purse. The landlady of the Duke of Gloucester having given evidence showing that the prosecutor had silver in his possession at the time alleged, the magistrates dismissed the case remarking that the circumstances were suspicious but that no jury would convict in such a case.

Landlords at the Mermaid Inn include:

1830 William Critchley

1856 J. Willitts

1868 Isaac Pursur (Mermaid Tavern. Isaac was also a coal merchant)

1879,1881 David Ferris (age 42 in 1881) and Edith Ferris (age 43 in 1881)

1885 James Dawes

1891 John Newman (previously at the White Hart in Maisemore)

1893 A. Crompton

1902 Mrs Hannah Maria May

1906 Benjamin Hough

1907 W.H. Crockett

1919 Albert Crompton

1927 Mrs Amelia Crompton

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