In February 1908 the license of the Leopard Inn was objected to as ‘not being required to meet the wants of the neighbourhood’. At the time it was tied to Arnold Perrett & Co. Ltd., Wickwar Brewery. It survived for many decades after the recommendation for closure but was eventually demolished. The Old Pilot Inn, a few yards away, was closed in 1909. The address is given as 7 Pilot Terrace in 1906. 200 Southgate Street in 1957 reference.
Gloucester Journal: February 12th, 1881 – City Police: Mary Wilson, an old woman, was charged with begging, and making use of bad language towards the wife of George Perris, landlord of the Leopard beerhouse. Prisoner was not convicted for begging, but was proved to have been drunk on the licensed premises of the Leopard, and to have refused to quit when ordered to do so. Fined 10 shillings and costs, in default seven days.
Landlords at the Leopard Inn include:
1879 John Williams
1881 George Perris
1893 N.C. Edmunds
1906 A.G. Butler
1927,1939 Ernest G. Stinchcombe
1957 Fred E. Anderson