The property is now residential and called Lamb Cottage.
The Citizen. Friday, November, 6th, 1987 – Stroud man’s death – Retired Stroud pub landlord Mr Cyril Mills has died. Mr Mills, a widower, ran the Clothiers Arms, Bath Road, for 18 years and lived at Manor View, Selsley. Mr Mills, who previously ran the Lamb off-licence, Amberley, spent most of his life in the Stroud district. Mr Mills is survived by a son.
Map Reference: SO849016
Licensing Details:
Rateable Value 1891: £11.10s.0d.
Type of licence in 1891: Beer and Cider off the premises
Owner in 1891: Enoch Hyde – Free from brewery tie
Rateable Value 1903: £11.10s.0d.
Type of licence in 1903: Beer and cider off the premises
Owner in 1903: Godsell & Sons, Salmon Springs Brewery, Stroud
Closing time in 1903: 10 pm
Landlords include:
1891 Owen Ely
1903 William J. Chapman
1968 Cyril Mills