The Lamb Inn, at 12 Gloucester Road, was formerly known as the Pig and Whistle. It was probably trading under that name when it had the Jovial Colliers in competition on the opposite (western) side of the road.

In 1891 the Lamb Inn was leased to the Blakeney Brewery but was owned by Henry Salmon of the Coleford Brewery. This apparent conflict of interests can be explained by the fact that brewing at Coleford had ceased by 1889 and their trade was taken on by the Blakeney Brewery, but the Lamb was still owned by Henry Salmon. In 1903 ownership had been transferred to Mary Fox, who was also the landlady of the Plough Inn at Coalway. Arnold Perrett & Co. Ltd. of Wickwar had taken over the Blakeney Brewery and closed it from the 30th day of March 1897. In the 1903 licensing book the Lamb Inn was a beer house with an annual rateable value of £11.4s.0d. It was also a free house, but the Lamb must have been acquired by the Stroud Brewery in early Edwardian times as they offered to relinquish the license of the Lamb Inn in favour of the nearby Royal Oak at the foot of Gloucester Road. Coleford town magistrates must have argued against Stroud Brewery’s proposals as the Royal Oak closed but the Lamb survived until final closure on Saturday May 30th 1970.

Gloucester Journal, Saturday 15th September 1900 – The Lamb Inn, Gloucester Road, Coleford: A valuable freehold inn. The house contains parlour, tap room, kitchen, back kitchen, cellars, good bedrooms, good garden. The property is let on a repairing lease, expiring 29th September 1900, to Mr Harry Clarke, at £18 a year. There is a cottage adjoining hitherto, let to Mr Cooper, on a monthy tenancy of 2s. a week. There is also adjoining thereto a building formerly used as a wheelwright shop, which is now void. The Lamb Inn is situate in one of the best parts of Coleford, and does a good an increasing trade. Orders to view and further particulars may be obtained from the Auctioneer.

Gloucester Citizen, Tuesday, 25th September 1900 – Mr. Alfred E. Dykins has received instructions to conduct the following sales:- Wednesday, September 26th 1900, at Bell Hotel Gloucester. Travellers Rest Inn, Blakeney, also the Dog Inn, Victoria Street, Cinderford and The Lamb Inn, Gloucester Road, Coleford.

Dean Forest Mercury. Friday 20th December 1968.

Road widening in the 1960’s. The Lamb Inn can be seen on the right in the distance.

The penultimate night at the Lamb Inn, last orders were called for the final time on Saturday May 30th 1970.
May 1970

The building that once housed the Lamb Inn is a substantial structure. It is possible that it was entirely remodelled or rebuilt by the Stroud Brewery Company after the Royal Oak had closed. A request for information on the Forest of Dean Facebook group yielded information that the Lamb Inn had a magnificent wooden bar.

James Frank Taylor is listed as the landlord of the Lamb Inn in the 1939 Kelly’s Directory. The Taylor family were still in residence in 1950 when the local papers reported on the tragic news of their beloved pub-dog, ‘Grit’. ‘It is not often that the death of a dog evokes public sympathy, but when the news spreads that ‘Grit’ Taylor of the Lamb Inn, Coleford, had become a victim of a road accident, many were visibly upset. He was a wonderfully, intelligent and faithful old spaniel, who never forgot kindness and had an amazing memory. He loved children and frequently saved them from the dangers of the road. He could cry when asked to and could almost be made to speak. But with advancing years he gradually became deaf and blind and as he crossed the road he became a victim of an accident himself.’

At one time the old Lamb Inn was in use as a laundrette. It is now divided into residential apartments.

Landlords at the Lamb Inn include:

1891 Thomas Jones

1903 William Jones

1939 James Frank Taylor

1967-1970 Mr. and. Mrs S.J. Norris (Joe, Ivy and Geoff. Moved to the Cross Keys, Bream)

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