62 Broad Street, Staple Hill ?

Occupier in 1891: Edwin Pope

Owner in 1891: Bristol United Brewery

Description of Licence: Beerhouse

Gross Estimated Value: £14.10s.0d.

Rateable Value: £12.6s.0d.

Six or Seven Days Licence: 7

Tied or Free. if tied to whom? – Bristol United Brewery

If Tenanted, Nature of Tenancy: Annual

Number of times transferred in the last five years: 2


Occupier in 1903: Frederick W. Watkins

Owner in 1903: Bristol United Brewery

Description of Licence: Beerhouse

Gross Estimated Value: £45.0s.0d.

Rateable Value: £38.5s.0d.

Six or Seven Days Licence: 7

Tied or Free. if tied to whom? – Bristol United Brewery

If Tenanted, Nature of Tenancy: Quarterly

House closes at 11pm.

King William IV, Staple Hill, Bristol

1926 Mrs J.K. Brown

King William IV, 62 Broad Street, Staple Hill, Bristol

Draught Bass; Butcombe Bitter (H)

Popular basic pub with loud music and young clientele. Skittle alley, pool table and table football.

Last Guide to Avon’s Ale (CAMRA, 1996)

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