Haywardsfield Inn, Nowhere, GL10 2LQ

The Haywardsfield Inn was on the main road between Ryeford and Ebley. The location had hardly any population and was known locally as ‘nowhere’.

The pub was owned by the Stroud Brewery Company. The brewery renovated the premises in c.1906, replacing rotten window frames and painting signs on the rendered building which read: ‘Stroud Brewery Compy Ales & Stout’, ‘Stroud Brewery Compy Celebrated “A.A.2 & Mild Ales”. The pub was a large symmetrical building with central double doors covered with a single pagoda style porch. Above the double door entrance was one solitary central window, which on either side were written the Stroud Brewery signs. The name of the pub, Haywardsfield Inn, was painted above the window. At roof level the central section of the pub, above the double doors, was pinnacled with an isosceles triangle with a decorative stone ball at its apex. Either side of the double doors were a ground and upper floor window with a dormer window on each side of the central triangle.

Although the pub has been de-licensed for many years the building has hardly changed at all. It is located opposite the petrol station in Ryeford.  The double doors remain with the distinctive pagoda porch. Regrettably, there is no evidence of the Stroud Brewery painted advertisements on the walls. The Haywardsfield Inn closed in 1930. Arthur Brunsdon (see the Anchor Inn) bought the Haywardsfield Inn as a private residence at an auction soon after the closure as a wedding present for one of his sons, Norman!

April 2010

Map Reference: SO 818047

Licensing Details:

Rateable Value in 1891: £13.0s.0d.

Owner in 1891: Mrs Webb of Ebley, (leased to Stroud Brewery)

Type of licence in 1891: Beerhouse

Rateable Value in 1903: £15.10s.0d.

Owner in 1903: Henry Winfield (leased to Stroud Brewery)

Type of licence in 1903: Beerhouse

Closing time in 1903: 10pm

Owner in 1928: Stroud Brewery

Landlords at the Haywardsfield Inn include:

1891,1903 Gilbert Henry Hathaway (Gilbert was the son-in-law of William Brunsdon of the Bell Inn, Ebley and the brother-in-law of Francis and Arthur Brunsdon)

1927 Thomas Reubinson

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