The Hanover Inn, an end of terrace brick building, closed in 1977. A remarkable survivor is the sign of the Hanover Inn in plastic / alloy capital letters which can still be seen on the side elevation. There is also a rectangular patch within the bricks that once housed the ‘West Country Ales – Best in The West ceramic plaque. The building is on the periphery of Pittville Park and the pub would have been an ideal place for liquid refreshment and snacks in days gone by.
John Morgan was the owner of the Hanover Inn according to the 1891 licencing returns, with Thomas Richard Launchbury in occupancy as landlord. At that time the annual rateable value of the designated beer house was set at £19.5s.0d. Sometime during the next twelve years John Morgan died, and in 1903 the ownership Hanover Inn was in the hands of his executors. In late Victorian times John Morgan ran the Hanover Inn as a free house, but at the beginning of the Edwardian era the lease of the property had been secured by the Nailsworth Brewery. In 1903 the annual rateable value had also increased by two pounds to £21.5s.0d.
Landlords at the Hanover Inn include:
1870 James Bevan (Hanover Arms)
1878,1883 William Shore
1891 Thomas Richard Launchbury
1903 Elisha Hogg
1926 James Kidd
1939 C. Lewis