In 1870 there is a reference to the Bunch of Grapes. The address of the Grapes is given as 11 Gloucester Place in 1878.
Cheltenham Original Brewery were the owners of the Grapes Tavern in 1891, and it continued in their ownership for the next twelve years and beyond. Licensed as a beer house the Grapes Tavern had an annual rateable value of £17.0s.0d., remaining unchanged from both assessments in 1891 and 1903.
The Gloucester House Inn at the northern end of Gloucester Place was in close proximity. The Britannia Inn in Fairview Road was also nearby.
Landlords at the Grapes Tavern include:
1870 Charles Spring (Bunch of Grapes)
1878 George Bliss
1883 C.A. Spring
1891 Jessie Cook
1903 James Richmond