The Grapes had an off licence only.

An application was made to the Wotton Under Edge licensing justices in 1899 for an on licence but it was refused.

The Dursley Gazette of September 2nd 1899 reported that ‘Mr W.J. Smith stated that he carried on business as a wine and spirit merchant in partnership with his son, and held an off license for the sale of beer, wines and spirits. He had erected excellent stabling at the back of his premises, and had the option of buying premises adjoining his own, and if the present application was granted he intended to make it into a family hotel. The memorial presented had been voluntarily signed by about 280 ratepayers of Wotton and neighbourhood. He was prepared to give an undertaking that the new house should remain a free house during his lifetime and that of his son.’


1899 W.J. Smith

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