The George, recorded from 1654, was an important coaching inn on the south side of the High Street, roughly opposite the Shambles. It was the terminus of the London horse drawn coaches. In the 18th century it was used for such dignified events as concerts, balls and assemblies. The George was also the meeting place of parish officers, petty sessions, the vestry and those persons involved in the development and promotion of the Stroudwater and Thames & Severn canals.

The George closed in 1819 and the proprietor moved his business to a building on the west side of Kings Street, which had previously been the Kings Arms since 1801. This became the Royal George Hotel.

Gloucester Journal. An assembly will be held at the George Inn, Stroud, on Wednesday the 9th,  April 1788. Tickets 3s each, teas, coffee, etc, to be had at George Inn

The ‘Stroud News & Journal’ reported on 26th November 1964 on the demolition of the old George Inn. The address was given as  4.5,6, Nelson Street: ‘Demolition was completed this week of a group of picturesque Cotswold cottages in Nelson Street, Stroud, near the Hill Street car park. The buildings bore the date 1676 and were once part of the old George Inn where General Woolfe, of Quebec Fame, stayed when in Stroud in charge of troops, keeping order during a period of labour unrest.’

George Tap, King Street

This splendid picture of the George Tap in Stroud has been loaned by Mrs Marque Bolton of 26 Southfield Road, Gloucester, whose uncle, the landlord Jack Reynolds, is pictured fifth from the right, with his wife and daughter Mary. Among the regulars gathered is Mr Jack Snell, fourth from left. The pub was demolished many years ago and the spot is now occupied by the Stroud Shopping Precinct.

The George Tap was the public bar of the Royal George Hotel. The Picture House was adjacent.

It was demolished in the 1930’s to make way for the new Ritz cinema.

Licensing Details:

Owner in 1891: Emma Bradford (free from brewery tie)

Rateable value in 1891: £13.0s.0d.

Type of licence in 1891: Alehouse

Owner in 1903: Ind Coope & Co., Ltd., Burton on Trent

Rateable value in 1903: £25.10s.0d.

Type of licence in 1903: Alehouse

Closing time in 1903:


1885 Sidney Organ

1891 Samuel Reynolds

1903 Robert Callingham

1927 Jack Reynolds

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