The building dates from c.1700. It has a narrow brick front surmounted by a gable with swept parapets Stroud Brewery acquired the Fleece Inn upon the takeover of Godsells Brewery in 1928. An inventory of property was made listing the Fleece Inn and four adjoining cottages, No’s 1,2,3 and 4. The grade II listed building is now a private residence called the Old Fleece.

Map Reference: SO 802044

Licensing Details:

Rateable Value in 1891: £12.15s.0d.

Owner in 1891: Godsell & Sons, Salmon Springs Brewery, Stroud

Type of licence in 1891: Beerhouse

Rateable Value in 1903: £17.0s.0d.

Owner in 1903: Godsell & Sons, Salmon Springs Brewery, Stroud

Type of licence in 1903: Beerhouse

Closing time in 1903: 10pm

Landlords at the Fleece Inn include:

1885,1891 Henry M. Russell

1902,1906 James Lapper

1919,1927 Frederick William Stallard

1939 Hy. Davis

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