The Eight Bells is a long-forgotten inn that used to trade in Church Street between the old Farriers Arms and the Royal Hop Pole Hotel. It is recorded in the year 1820, when Charles Tallboys was the licensee.

It is something of a coincidence that there was another Eight Bells in Church Street in Gloucestershire – in Tetbury.

From ‘Tewkesbury Pubs’ by B.R. Linnell (1996 edition)

This name appears in the lists for 1820 between the ‘Farriers’ and the ‘Hop Pole’ Charles Tallboys was the landlord in 1820. Known occupiers in this area at this time limit the site of this house to Nos. 88, 89, 90 or 94. or more likely, the house demolished 1869 to widen the entrance to the lane.

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