The Duke of Wellington in Tredworth was a pub for at least 400 years but not necessarily the same building. It once had its own brewery, possibly in the early 1880’s, when it is documented that G Cummings provided materials for Home Brewed Beer.

The Duke of Wellington was sold to Godsells & Sons of Stroud and, from 1928 became a Stroud Brewery pub.

It retained a ‘men only’ bar up until the 1970’s. Unsuspecting female visitors were swiftly shown the front door!


Dave and Florence Pollard, who ran the Duke of Wellington up until the 1990’s, were certain that the pub was haunted. On one occasion they had to attend to a table that had had beer spilt all over it. When they returned with cleaning cloths to clear up the mess the table was found to be completely dry and in prestige condition. Furthermore, upon retirement the Pollards discovered that the ghost had continued the Duke of Wellington causing the premature departure of the new landlords.

The Duke of Wellington has closed.

Landlords at the Duke of Wellington include:

1870, 1879 William Jordan

1893 C.W. Edwards

1906 E.D.C. Foxwell

1936 – 1948 Albert Edgar Probyn

1957 Henry Thomas Young

1958 – 1990 Florence and Dave Pollard

2002 Mark and Denise Carpenter

2005 Christopher and Angela Carpenter

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