See also the Cheltenham Motor Club

The Hambling family owned the Crown Inn in 1891 and 1903. It was a licensed beer house with an annual rateable value of £17.0s.0d. Sophia Hambling was the owner in 1891 and she ran the Crown Inn free from brewery tie. In 1903 Walter L. Hambling is recorded as the owner but the lease had been sold to Henry Dredge.

Courtesy Michael Wilkes

The Crown Inn was known by regulars as the ‘Little Crown’. The Crown is still licensed but now trades privately as the Cheltenham Motor Club.


Landlords at the Crown Inn include:

1857 A. Hambling

1891 Sophia Hambling

1903 Edward Hogg

1911 Herbert Jon Sache (wife was called Florence)

1939 Frederick Thomas Robins

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