The address of the Coopers Arms was 180 Westgate Street (1936 and 1957 references). In 1947 the Coopers Arms was badly flooded when the River Severn burst its banks. At the time of the flooding the pub was tied to the Stroud Brewery.

Courtesy Jill Voice.

Landlords at the Coopers Arms include:

1830 Thomas Keene

1849 Charles Henry Deane (married Thomas Keene’s daughter Sarah in 1849)

1856 Mrs Deane

1859 Henry Jelf

1879 J. Scriven (Coopers Arms, Island)

1885 Frederick Savory

1893 A.J. Hall (junior)

1902 Mrs Fanny Williams

1906  C.J. Hall (senior)

1919 John Collins

1927 Arthur Brown

1936, 1939 Frank Williams

1957 W.A. Dix

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