The Coach and Horses is listed as being at 8 Portland Terrace in 1883 and 3 Portland Terrace in the 1939 Kelly’s Directory. In 1906 Portland Terrace is listed as being opposite Leamington Place. This is now in Prestbury Road between Portland Square and Albert Place. The Coach and Horses closed in 1941.
In 1891 the Coach & Horses Inn is recorded in the licensing book as being a free house which was in the ownership of William Goad. It was an ale house with an annual rateable value of £16.0s.0d. At the beginning of the 20th Century the Coach & Horses had been acquired by Showell & Co., brewers of Oldbury in Staffordshire (now West Midlands). By 1903 the annual rateable had increased by £2.10s.0d. to £18.10s.0d, perhaps an indication that some improvements had been done to the Coach & Horses following acquisition.
Sue Moore contacted me about the Bush and Browett families associated with the Coach and Horses Inn. She wrote: Henry Bush’s daughter Eliza Lavinia Bush married Albert Henry Browett. Albert was already publican of the Coach & Horses when he made his will in August 1901. Albert Browett died in 1906. Albert Henry Browett was the grandson of William Browett, the publican of the Coach & Horses in Tewkesbury in 1830. Albert Henry’s aunt Eliza Browett and her husband Henry White were landlords of the Hop Pole Hotel in Tewkesbury in the 1850s-60s. In 1908 Eliza Lavinia Browett (nee Bush) married her 2nd husband Thomas Bach. The 1911 census suggests Eliza was the boss and Thomas merely assisting!
Census, 2 April 1911:
Coach & Horses, Pittville, Cheltenham – 8 rooms
Thomas BACH, Head, 44, Married, Assisting in business, Licensed Victualler, Worker, At Home, born Yorkshire, British
Eliza Lavinia BACH, Wife, 46, Married 3 years, liveborn children None, Land Lady, born Gloucestershire, British
Gladys BROWETT, Daughter, 7, [no birthplace], British
Landlords at the Coach & Horses Inn include:
1844 James Ovens (sic) (15 Portland Terrace). [info courtesy Martin Edwards]
1856,1859 George Evans
1870 Mrs Martha Evans
1878 Miss Evans
1883,1891 William Hoad
1902 Henry Bush (Henry’s daughter Eliza Lavania married Albert Henry Browett)
1903,1906 Albert Henry Browett
1926,1927 William T. Leonard
1936 Stephen C. Birch