The Castle is about two miles to the north west of Standish Village on the banks of the Gloucester – Sharpness canal. Near Moreton Valence.
Gloucester Journal: July 2nd, 1881 – A man drowned in the canal: An inquest was held by Mr Ball at the Castle Bridge Inn on Tuesday afternoon, on the remains of a man which were found floating in the Gloucester & Berkeley canal. Evidence was given to the effect that two watermen, named Henry Boon and Robert Allard, while proceeding down the canal in a barge, found the dead man in the water, and gave information to the police. On being got out of the water a watch was found on the body, bearing the name of John Clark, written in blacklead. There was on the right side of the head the mark of a severe blow. The body was found near the Morr Farm. A verdict of drowned was returned.
Map reference: SO 778107
1856 D. Cooke
1885 James Sallabank