The Bunch of Grapes was located opposite the Booth Hall Hotel. In 1870 it was described as a ‘resort of sailors and women of low character.’
Gloucester Journal. Saturday February 12th 1870: Susan Cambridge, an unfortunate, was charged for refusing to leave the Bunch of Grapes in Westgate Street when requested by the landlord. Mr Bayliss said that at half past ten o’clock on Sunday night the defendant came to his house and in consequence of her previous bad conduct he had given instructions that she was not to be supplied with any refreshment and when she asked for any she was refused and told to leave the house. She refused and complainant went to the other side of the counter to put her out when she caught hold of his arm and tried to bite his hand. She was one of several who caused a great annoyance by coming to this house. A person named Davis who stated that she was the defendants only sister and was a widow said the defendant had led a very wild life but seemed very sorry. If she would be steady and go to work (the sister) would take her home she had promised to lead a steady life. The defendant contented to go home with her sister and was discharged.
Gloucestershire Chronicle. April 16th 1870: Disorderly women – Annie Bayliss, known also by the name of Bell, a woman of a class, was charged with being drunk and disorderly in the streets on the night of 11th of February. PC Maggs said that when he was ordered by the landlord of the Bunch of Grapes, Westgate Street, to send the girls away at eleven o’clock at night, Bayliss refused to go and he pushed her out whereupon she became very disorderly in the street. This being the first time that she had been in custardy, she was cautioned and discharged – Emma Davis of the same class was charged by PC Howes for being drunk and disorderly and using obscene language in Northgate Street on the night of 12th February. She had been convicted several times before and was fined two pounds with costs – in default fourteen days imprisonment.
1856 J. Meredith
1870 Mr Bayliss