In 1906 the address was 41 Brunswick Street. The pub was on the east side of Brunswick Street. The sequence of numbering in 1906 was as follows: Duke of Brunswick Inn, 39, 40, Brunswick Arms, 45, St. Pauls Infant School.

George Newcombe kept the Brunswick Arms in 1891 and under his ownership he ran it as a free house. Mrs Newcombe (George’s wife or possibly widow?) is listed as the owner in 1903. The Brunswick Arms was a licensed beer house and had an annual rateable value fixed at £13.10s.0d throughout that time.

Brunswick Street received a direct hit from a German bomb in WW2. The Brunswick Arms closed in 1962.

Landlords at the Brunswick Arms include:

1870 George Tanner

1878,1903 Mrs Maria Turner

1926 George Henry Matthews

1939 J.T.D. Young

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